Sweet Satisfaction

A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that’s enough.*

Elephant Ear Blossom

Elephant Ear Blossom

Recently I have been somewhat frustrated with the limitations of my camera equipment. I felt that I needed to upgrade, but when I made a list of all that I would like to have realized that it was probably pie in the sky, at least for now. I’d also been nursing a serious case of unfulfilled wanderlust. To cheer myself up, I decided to go out into the yard using just the kit lens shipped with my camera (an AF-S Nikkor 18-55 mm 1:3-5:6GII ED) to see what simple beauty I could capture.

The Center of a Hibiscus Flower

The Center of a Hibiscus Flower

Spiny Orb Weaver

Spiny Orb Weaver

Jambolan Plum Fruit

Jambolan Plum Fruit

Wart Fern Sori

Wart Fern Sori

Sweet Potato Leaves

Sweet Potato Leaves

Ground Orchid

Ground Orchid

Morning Sunlight Through Fam Palm Leaves

Morning Sunlight Through Fan Palm Leaves

After a thoroughly enjoyable photo shoot in my own yard my whole outlook changed. I realized it’s my attitude that governs my satisfaction. What I have right now is sufficient to bring me all that I need. One of the main reasons that I love photography is that it focuses attention on God’s beautiful creation. The natural world exists not just in the grandeur of wilderness but also right in my back yard. The equipment that I have may not be what I want, but for now, it is more than enough. Appreciating that gives me sweet satisfaction.

*1 Timothy 6:6-8 Message Bible Translation (Not what I use for study, but appropriate here. For a better translation of this passage see Blue Letter Bible.org.)

7 thoughts on “Sweet Satisfaction

  1. Your shots are beautiful…have you ever gone to http://www.kenrockwell.com? He talks about being satisfied with the equipment you have today and how even the simplest of equipment is all about the person BEHIND it and not the new $5000 camera you want. I struggle with this too, and someday I will have better equipment, but until then…

  2. Thanks, Amy. Yes, I enjoy and recommend Key Rockwell’s site. My next project is to find the “sweet shot” in my telephoto lenses and take advantage of that knowledge as I shoot.

  3. Yes, looks like you are doing quite well with your camera. You take beautiful photos! Much, much better than my little Sony Cyber-Shot…ha, ha! But I’m sure as you get into photography there is so much you’d love to be able to do. Thanks always for sharing! Love ya!

  4. Girl, you’ve developed the eye! Viewed through the lens of a camera, the world takes on a whole different perspective; isn’t it just totally wonderful?!
    Love your perspective.

  5. Ah, wanderlust. I fully understand. However, like you, that’s when I simplify and just go for a walk around my home town. I’ve done these walks over and over and each time I find new things to see and appreciate.

    One of the beautiful things about photography, is it does get one to look at the world before you in new and wonderful ways as you have done here. Bravo!

  6. Thanks for your comment on my blog – and thanks to that comment I found these wonderful photos of yours! Equipment is nice, but for me photography is about light, and natural light is my preference. So you just have to be there when the One-in-Charge flips the switch.

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